Erniesoft Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Erniesoft B.V.

Erniesoft B. V. handles privacy-sensitive information with care. In this Privacy Policy you can read how we handle your data.

What data is recorded by Erniesoft B. V.?

1. Your name, street name, house number and any additions and other contact information such as phone number and email address.
2. The concluded agreements and order confirmations.
3. Your Chamber of Commerce extract.


What does Erniesoft V.O.F. use this data for?
If you are a customer of Erniesoft V.O.F. or you have requested information from Erniesoft V.O.F. uses Erniesoft V.O.F. your data to perform the obligations arising from the concluded software agreements and order confirmations.

Data Storage
All data is stored in our information system under your personal anonymised relationship code.

Who has access to your data?
If you are a customer: Only employees of Erniesoft B.V. have direct access to your data. Furthermore, certain data is provided to third parties in specific cases:


Your name and address details, as well as your telephone number and e-mail address are provided to our partners if you also use software or hardware from a third party within our software, such as an on-board computer or a map from PTV;


Your name and address details, as well as your telephone number and e-mail address will be provided to a contracted bailiff or collection agency in the event of a payment delay;


Your name and address details, as well as your telephone number and e-mail address are provided to our lawyer in the event of a dispute;


Your name and address details, as well as your telephone number and e-mail address will only be provided to a colleague company for a reference visit with your permission;


Commercial goals
Erniesoft B.V. will never provide your personal data without your explicit consent to third parties whose purpose is to approach you for commercial purposes.

Security and retention period
Erniesoft B. V. will ensure that your data is stored securely and adequately protected against unauthorized use, unauthorized access, modification or unlawful destruction. Your data will be stored for as long as necessary for the aforementioned purposes or as far as this is necessary due to legal obligations, or for the resolution of any disputes (all in accordance with the legal retention period).

Inspection, correction and deletion
Your requests for access, correction or deletion of data can be addressed in writing to our office via Erniesoft B. V. will in principle answer your request within four weeks. Erniesoft B. V. will delete your personal data as soon as possible unless and insofar as the law obliges to keep the relevant personal data or there are other urgent reasons that oppose deletion.

We take your privacy very seriously. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our office at telephone number 010-7951831 or send an e-mail to
